Kirby Sentria Upright Vacuum
- Attachments
- Carpet Shampooer
Kirby Vacuum and Carpet Shampooer
List Price: $ 1,200.99
Price: $ 1,099.00
More Kirby vacuum cleaners

All Generation series models G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, Ultimate G, Diamond Edition and Sentria-(models before 2009)…
Always call Kirby if you are not satisfied!,
I purchased my Kirby Sentria about 2 months ago for way less than the salesman was aiming for. If you really want one of these just keep saying no thanks and they keep taking money off. I watch kids in my home and I wanted something that will last since I vacuum 2-4 times a day. These salesmen showed up saying they would shampoo my carpet for free and if I didn’t want this machine by the time they left they would leave. yeah 4 hrs later they were finally done. I fell for their little white pods covered in dust from my couch, carpet and curtains. I would love to borrow that attachment back and see if my home still has that much in it after using it for 2 months now or if they fill that thing up with it. Who knows. Our $320 Bissell of 3 years had just taken a dump on us (I was borrowing an old Dirt Devil) and our warranty was way past and fixing it was going to cost a lot so this looked like something I may like and actually last longer. Before my Bissell I was buying a new vacuum almost every 1-2 yrs. I will say I love the attachment that allows you to foam the shampoo cleaner out into spots, scrub and then vacuum up when it dries. My daughter left her empty hot chocolate mug low enough (with all that dark syrup left at the bottom) and one of my toddlers grabbed it and drizzled it all over my tan carpet the day after these guys came and shampooed. I spot cleaned it at the time and then 2 days later when the weekend came I used the foam attachments (or they say you can use it as a paint sprayer too) with their cleaner and all that chocolate mess came out. I haven’t used the shampooing attachment yet but I plan on using it in the spring. I have used all the vacuuming attachments. I will say having to take it apart does make cleaning day take longer but I am not taking any stars off my rating for that since I did know that when I purchased it. I am taking off just for vacuuming. Every time I vacuum there are piles of hair in random areas when I am done. It seems to sweep or push them around like that. The toddlers will bring me some when they find them. I also have seen thread from their clothes on the floor, I drag the unit over it and it’s still there. My $20 hand held dirt devil (…) picks them right up why cant this $1650 (manufacturers suggested price) vacuum do that? I have even lifted it up and put the sucking part right on top and it’s still there. I have run over it slowly forwards and backwards and it’s still there. I have watched the DVD and read the users manual over again to make sure I am assembling it correctly so that is is working at par and it still is there when I am done. I also am taking off a star because when I vacuum around my litter box and I have to gently take the front unit off and dump the litter out that stays on the inside rim. Why isn’t it going in the bag? Same thing happened when my daughter dropped her tiny seed beads on the floor. The first time I did vacuumed as I carried the machine back down the stairs it was pouring out onto the stairs and I had to go use my trusty dust buster again. Why do I always have to turn to my $30 dust buster for back up? This thing should vacuum everything up! Since this thing is mine and I am stuck with it I will use it and my grand kids probably will too and from what I hear my great grand kids will too. I gave this a 3 Star after this review.
UPDATE: The problem ended up being that they sold me the one they were using when they went door to door. I didn’t care since it l looked very clean and it came with it’s lifetime warranty. The front part of the machine (where the belt attaches) was bent and wasn’t cooperating with attaching the belt. This was making it so the green light was still lit up but suction was not enough to pull things like hair and thread. Also only allowed for the cat litter to go in the main part and not into the bag. So yes always call your local Kirby office they will fix it…they came saw the problem and gave me a new front part to my machine and it has worked like a charm since!
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Not why so many bad reviews,
I just bought this 2 weeks ago from a door to door salesman. I did pay way over for it as after he left I could have gotten it way cheaper online. I paid $2000 and husband is deployed so maybe that is why 🙁 Anyway, one review says it is really hard to push and that is not true. You have to make sure you have it in “D” which means drive. “N” setting is used for when you are done. I even brought my friend over to see how easy it was to move.
I do agree with the attachments being so many, but I have actually used them. I have cleaned under my refrigerator and stove. I used them on the base boards in the house. I have also used them on my fans in the house with ease. To put the attachments on is sometimes a hassle, but it works wonders I thought. Just my 2 cents worth. 🙂
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Good vacuum but hate the bags,
I endured 4 hours of sales talk and vacuum demonstrations during which the young sales woman knocked my wooden valence off the window, broke my fan, and jumped on my antique fainting couch. Nevertheless, I traded her my $600+ Dyson for the Sentria when her manager, also at my home, brought the price under $1000 and threw in 2 free attachments that aren’t included in the standard package.
I have had the Sentria for 5 weeks. I now remember why I bought that Dyson. I hate bags! With 2 dogs in the house, bags fill up quickly. After 5 weeks, the bag is about 1/3 full and the Sentria has lost significant suction. Also, the bag stinks like dog, and the smell is 10 times worse when the vacuum is running.
What made the Sentria attractive to me was the hose for the attachments. My biggest complaint about the Dyson was the spring coil hose. It was unmanageable and took a bit of strength to stretch it to its full length. This was a problem for me because I have neuropathy in my hands and arms. The Sentria’s hose is much more flexible and stretches out easily.
In retrospect, I wish I had kept my Dyson and either put up with its unmanageable hose or bought a 2nd cheap vacuum for attachment use. If you don’t mind bags, the Kirby is a good vacuum though I think it’s over priced even at the $970 price I paid.
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