Oreck XL. To look at it you wouldn’t think it was much good, but it doeas a fantastic job going from carpet to hard floors without having to do anything. Amazing results. Thanks for watching. Jase
Combining power with versatility, this bare-floor cleaner features three modes of cleaning-dry vacuum, heated wet vacuum and dryin…
Cleans smooth surfaces thoroughly, has a 90-degree rotation, and is exceptionally agile at cleaning around obstacles such as table…
Powerful 12AMP lightweight canister vac that weighs less than 9lbs. This model is equipped with on-board cleaning tools that’s gre…
that thing looks its from the 90’s
You know, I am not convinced by Oreck at all. Used a few now, and the suction is always very poor and they’ve always been very noisy. Aside from being lightweight, I don’t see the advantage. Nothing more than a loud carpet sweeper IMO.
@aaroncoal28 Thanks I am working on a oreck xl 9100 in a little while watch my page for the vid of it!!
@dirtdevil96 I can get you in the ball park.. I’m guessing 1992 or 1993. So it’s about 17 or 18 years old. I have one in my hand right now… the problem is that back then they hadn’t started using the Julian Dates on the back so there is no exact way to know for sure. Now a days you can pinpoint the exact day it was made, which is nice.
@aaroncoal28 Hey do you think you could watch my oreck xl commercial vid and tell me when it was made? if possible
Nice cleaner and a nice watch Jase!
Wow that is an old school Oreck. Should be around 15 to 18 years old. Those are getting more rare by the year. I worked on one today, it was a great model for Oreck.