A couple of months ago we added a new product to our site, the HAAN Model FS-20 Steam Cleaning Floor Sanitizer. The products popularity truly surprised us. But after testing it, we realized why customers were banging on our doors asking for the Haan FS 20 Steam Mops. Whats really great about the Haan Steam Cleaning Floor Sanitizer is that its not only super easy to use and extremely effective at cleaning, it is an environmentally friendly product. Unlike other floor sanitizers sold on the market, the Haan requires no chemicals, it only cleans with the power of water, meaning that you can feel comfortable using it around children and pets. And with washable pads, you dont have to worry about constantly buying new pads. The Haan Model FS-20 is also extremely versatile, letting you clean a wide variety of hard floor surfaces like hard wood, laminate, vinyl, ceramic, linoleum, marble and more. Also available is an optional short handle allowing you to clean soft surfaces like mattresses, upholstery and stairs. Check out the Haan on our store: www.govacuum.com For all general vacuum inquiries, check out our online store at: www.govacuum.com We hope you enjoy the video! Feel free to send us any requests for videos.
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Can you use the short handle and go up walls?
@sandraanddave0 What did you use to mop?
It looked very practical out! I usually use an Ibanez guitar to get my floors clean at home. Do use lubrication for guitars too, so that it slides easier when you scrub the floor. Officials use a towel that I put the guitar on and scrub untill it comes clean.
Simple and works very well! Tips, good scouring’re ajax;)
What did you use to mop?
It looked very practical out! I usually use an Ibanez guitar to get my floors clean at home. Do use lubrication for guitars too, so that it slides easier when you scrub the floor. Officials use a towel that I put the guitar on and scrub untill it comes clean.
Simple and works very well! Tips, good scouring’re ajax;)
What did you use to mop?
It looked very practical out! I usually use an Ibanez guitar to get my floors clean at home. Do use lubrication for guitars too, so that it slides easier when you scrub the floor. Officials use a towel that I put the guitar on and scrub untill it comes clean.
Simple and works very well! Tips, good scouring’re ajax;)
@watsupstartaketwo It was an attempt to experiment how the machine would handle something other then water in it. My thought process was if it had Lyson in it, it would work even more effective. But again, this was a bad idea, and destroyed the Haan immediately as the Lyson went into the boiler. Please don’t use anything but water in Haan steamers.
No, you only want to use water, Lysol will damage the machines boiler, trust me I had the exact same thought as you did, and attempted to put a chemical cleaner in mine, it completely damaged the machines boiler. Not a good idea.
can we put something like lysol on the tank?
Oh, also…can you tell me how many jets the Monster has on the underside of the unit…I can’t seem to find that info. anywhere…Thanks much!
Hi Chris, Thanks for the great videos! They are very helpful. I am trying to decide between the Monster EZ1 steam mop and the Haan FS20. I’m curious which you’d recommend. I like that the Monster has steam jets on the front. The monster can be used on carpets but can it also be used on mattresses like the Haan? I’ve read that some people think the cord on the Haan is too short…Is the Monster cord longer? Thanks for any help you can provide me with!!
Thank you for your great question. The pad on the Haan can be machine washed up to 10 or more times. The best way is to just the pad air dry and not put the pad through the dryer. This will help the velcro on the back of the pad to stay sticky. I have washed my numerous times and still am on my first set of pads. I imagine sooner or later it needs to be replaced, but for as many Haans as sell, the pads are not that popular sellers, meaning people are not having to replace them so often.
Hi GoVacuums,
How many times can we re-use the pad after washing it? cos we concern that we’re gonna ended up buying it over & over again. And how’s the pad sticked to the head, Is it like velcro? Thanks in advance.
The floor should be vacuumed completely first before using the steamer to vacuum up all loose dirt or crumbs. The vacuum should take care of most of this stuff, and the steamer will take care of the grease and the grime and the ground in stuff.
what about dust, hair and smal crumb of flated bread on the floor or dry tomato skin in the kitchen ?
To be quite honest with you, I am unfamiliar with the Olefin carpets, and I really can’t tell you if the Haan is safe to use on your carpets. You may wish to contact a carpet manufacturer who can better answer that question for you. I do know the Haan is safe to use on most every other carpet including Berber, and Frizzay carpets.
What about Olefin carpet? I believe Olefin has a low melting point. I am living in a home with existing unknown carpet fiber.